Practical expertise across core airline areas.
We provide a range of solutions and the team to help you analyze performance and to develop strategies to maximize the potential of your business. On this page we highlight some of the specific technical expertise of our team members. Of course, we do not list everything here so if you don't find something listed, please do not hesitate to contact us. We may still have strong capabilities to serve you.
Product Design
Fare families, seats, seamless airport connectivity, in-flight entertainment, etc. We assist airlines to ensure they deploy the right product for the market in which they compete. This means aligning the supply of product to the expectations of the market relative to effective competitors.
Airline Loyalty Programmes
Most airline loyalty programmes do not actually promote loyalty to the airline, nor do they endear customers. We assist clients to quantify the value of loyalty programmes and to use detailed analysis to ensure the design of the programme effectively drives demand and higher yields.
Competition & Anti-Trust
The airline industry worldwide is undergoing another round of consolidation due both because of ongoing de-regulation and because of airline's choosing scale to achieve lower costs. Our experts have extensive experience working with regulators and airlines to ensure competition thrives.
Cargo Management
The most profitable airlines understand the need to earn revenue above and below the floor. Our experts have worked with leading passenger and cargo airlines to drive cargo strategy, sales and revenue management.
For information on our services for airline startups, restructuring, cost reductions and mergers and acqusitions, please see our page on Strategic Challenges